Government by Default

Government by Default

I hear it all the time, and you probably do too: ‘I want to make a difference, but I don’t know where to start.’ It’s a common refrain, and mostly the answers people get are unsatisfying. Attending a rally or writing a check to a political cause you care about may...
Fix the Damn Roads?

Fix the Damn Roads?

Governor Whitmer Goes Big True to her word the Governor is attempting to fix the damn roads with a rather bold approach: a 45 cent increase in Michigan’s gas tax, to be phased in over one year.  While others have pitched the idea of phasing this in over nine years,...
What is Grassroots?

What is Grassroots?

We get asked all the time: “What’s grassroots?” We’d better have a good answer, since it’s right in our firm’s name! Let’s start with what grassroots isn’t. There are lots of firms in state capitals that engage in what’s referred to as lobbying or direct advocacy....